Sheba Phone is a project of Integrated Services Ltd (ISL). Sheba means " service" and the aim of this project, in integrity with its parent company, is to facilitate communication of the rural Bangladeshi people that is an ever growing demand as more and more villagers continue to emigrate and migrate in search of livelihood. The project embraces and sets its success strategy on the fact that the majority of Bangladesh 's population is rural and comprised of people that have an immense need for communication within itself and the outside world. The strength of Sheba Phone is its high profile of management team that runs the organization and technology. Sheba Phone is the conception, dedication and success of extremely motivated, technically sound and experienced people as well as a very high profile management team that makes infrastructure development possible. Sheba Phone is a long term business venture that aims to maintain its reputation as a provider of the latest and most cost effective technologies that will become available with time.